Monday, June 27, 2011

Aw, say it ain't so!!

I was reading today that the mega "stuff mart' stores intend to take down even more locally owned businesses by opening smaller stores in more places.  Sounds like a wolf in sheep's clothing to me, trying to be something they are not.  

I suspect they are reading this blog and are nervous because we are revealing the temporarily forgotten truth that small and local is better ;-)

read article here


  1. the thing is, those big box stores, even though small, will still carry the same crap won't they? Nothing unique or well crafted, just the same cheap stuff...btw. love your blog.

  2. I'm not sure the small businesses that are left are vulnerable to mere price competition. They've survived because they offer a high level of service to justify to their customers why price isn't the only component in value. The Big Box stores are now entering an arena where they are HOPELESSLY outmatched. All the big box stores bring is CHEAP and are they going to try and compete with stores that know how to thrive when price isn't the issue. Walmart doesn't have a clue how to play in this game. They're toast!

  3. Finally got around to looking you up---so glad I did! I had a clipping about John from Bayless--it was our go-to hardware store, just 1.5 miles from home and we sorely missed it when he closed! I'll have to keep him in mind for handyman jobs---and the blind company---I'm never confidant I could get the measurements correct, so Caroline's been squinting every morning! That may actually change....

    We recently needed a new range,looked at Sears (where our current one had been purchased)and then I got a tip to look at Slyman Bros on Hampton---never would have thought of them on my own. Found a range I liked, on sale!! and the delivery, set-up, old range take-away and power cord costs weren't extra---at Sears, those extras were going to add another $100 to the total!

    Keep it up! My daughter Amanda's blog is www. gave you the wrong info earlier
