Thursday, March 17, 2011

Lay Renewal Ministries

Think of 3 independently owned businesses you would miss if they closed. That is the counsel of the 3/50 project , an innovative online support for local businesses, brick and mortar stores as they call them.

Lay Renewal is one of those for me. I suppose it's more of a not-for-profit agency than a business, but it was of great value to our family.

In recent years they added a new service, a used book exchange. I had saved a stack to trade, but this was sadly what I found......

I was afraid to ask, "Why the big sale? Why are the shelves so empty?"

I knew in my heart the answer. How can a little book store survive, even one supported by not-for-profit advantages?

When the kids were little, I was in the store several times a year. They had great children's titles and it was the perfect spot to find the latest VeggieTales movie or book. They even had a video library of family movies to check out.

When Alli and Lindi were young teenagers they loved books so much, they thought maybe they would like to own a book store or become a librarian. We were wondering how they might gain some real experience in the book world. At that time the public libraries couldn't accept volunteers....liability issues or something. They were too young to get actual jobs. So I asked the folks at Lay Renewal if they could use some helpful young ladies to assist with stocking shelves. They readily agreed and it was a very positive experience for all involved.
I understand what happened. I love the on-line book services. To me it is truly a marvel. Think of it! *Any* book from anywhere in the world can be yours in a few days with the click of a button and without ever leaving your desk. Or as Bill, my husband, has discovered, skip the book altogether and download it to a Kindle.

But still, I'm sad the Lay Renewal book store is gone. While the organization continues as a positive force in the community with its Sunday school curricula offerings, the loss of this resource for individual customers is a shame.

This year I resolve to revisit some little new and used book stores. I do love those shelves filled with books of all shapes and sizes, colors and textures; and the excitement of taking a book off the shelf, opening it to see the secret treasures hidden inside.


  1. I didn't realize that Lay Renewal went out of business. That's very sad.

  2. Lisa, thanks so much for taking the time to read and comment! I know, I'm so disappointed they are gone.

  3. Hi Jo-Ellen,
    I received an e-mail last month from Lay Renewal saying that they are not closed, but their store is smaller than before. Just thought I'd let you know. :)

  4. Lisa thank you so much, I'm going to check it out today!
