Sunday, July 10, 2011

Donut Drive-In

6525 Chippewa St.
St. Louis, MO 

Since this is a journal about life and shopping locally under all sorts of circumstances and for all kinds of needs, you should know our family is walking a challenging and heart rending path with Isabel.  Isabel is the 19 year old daughter of our precious friends, Rick and Mary.  She and her brothers and sisters bring sheer joy to our family.  Last week Isabel suffered a complicated sort of stroke, statistically 3 in a million.  She is seriously ill and still in a coma; however, her condition is stable and improving, oh so slowly. 

In the midst of such heart ache it has always seemed to me life should come to a dramatic stasis, where all action stops, but I've lived a long time and that is not what happens.  I've even come to be glad it doesn't.  Work still has to be accomplished, houses cleaned, food prepared, shopping done.

Coming home from Micha's swim team I saw this sign:

an old neon sign speaks comfort to me,
especially when it says do-nuts :-).

Donut Drive-in opened in this location in 1953 after breaking ground in 1952.  It looks pretty much the same as it did all those years ago.  In those 62 years this little shop has had only 3 owners.

I didn't get to meet the owner, but this very nice woman gave me a little history.  The Donut Drive-In has been making these tasty treats since the heyday of Route 66, when Chippewa was a quiet little road with an occasional restaurant and motel.  With car ownership on the rise and gas prices low, road trips were a popular entertainment.  And the Drive-In was a welcome stop along the way.

Drive-Ins have waned since the '50's but we in St. Louis are still privileged to have one of the originals.

 Once inside, I'm not sure which I noticed first, the columns of boxes 

or the rows of donuts.

Not only is this a great nostalgic stop, their donuts are really good and inexpensive.
 Alton Brown of cooking show fame has even declared these to be his favorite donuts!


If they were good enough for Alton, we figured they would provide a fine celebration of the Dr.'s success in bringing Isabel to a stable condition as we yearn for her healing.

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