Monday, November 14, 2011

Sappington Farmer's Market

Dining at St. Louis' many excellent restaurants is surely a delight, but for us, most meals are about buying groceries at the market and bringing those groceries home to prepare breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

The St. Louis local grocery possibilities are abundant.  And since food is such a necessary part of everyone's budget we can really make a difference by finding a local alternative for our purchases of this life sustaining commodity.
Sappington Farmers’ Market
I had been shopping at Sappington Farmer's Market a few months before this official adventure began in March.
I liked it immediately on every level: practically, philosophically, and nostalgically.

Practically speaking Sappington Market works.
They are known for their produce;
you will find variety, 
low prices, and 
many locally grown fruits 
and vegetables.
Because Sappington Market is a small full-service grocery store, 
they also have 

 dairy products,
a plentiful assortment of groceries
canned goods.
Because it is small I can be in and out in 45 minutes. Because this little market has every basic food item (plus paper products, toiletries, and  cleaning supplies), 
 I can get everything I need in one stop.
Because of their great specials and case prices,
 Sappington Market truly is an economical choice.
Put all that together and you've got practicality !

Philosophically, I like that the store is owned by farmers; I trust their interest in protecting the small farmer.  This seems important, since this whole food thing originates with farmers and we would be pretty much lost without them.
On the shelves of Sappington Market you will find many products produced right here in Missouri and Illinois.
Like cheeses from local dairies,
potato chips made and coffee roasted here in St. Louis,
wine and jellies from our own grapes and berries,
and Purly's cookies made by some nice ladies in their church kitchen.
the clerks are all really friendly, and I think that is because the store is founded on great principles, philosophically speaking.

you may wonder.
Because they have a model train chugging around and I love seeing the children gaze at it,  and remember when other children marveled at other trains.
The scenes of rural life remind me of the hardworking farmers in my hometown, 
like these good men waiting outside the Newton County courthouse during their weekly trip to the town square.

A visit to Sappington Farmer's market is like a visit to times past, and I feel for a moment like I'm back in Neosho shopping with my mom at McClintock's IGA.

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