Thursday, September 15, 2011

Nick and Elena's Tonight

phone: 314-427-6566

The Cabin Fever Band will be playing
at Nick and Elena's Pizzeria tonight (6:30-9:30).
good music, no smoking 
and great company.  You should come on down!
It will be a mighty fine time.


  1. I love your blog and will be moving to St. Louis soon from Columbia and would like to live in a "community" type situation. There are parts of Webster that I really like but it is short on "affordable" rentals. University City seems to have a lot going on there and is closer to my work (@ 270 and Page) and it seems to have a "walking" community (little shops, coffee shops, etc.)...any ideas?

  2. Hi Ruth, Thank you for your kind words and an early welcome to St. Louis. I think you will love it here! Though I've never lived in U City we are there often and your impressions match mine. Maplewood is another affordable and community type town that might be worth looking into, but it isn't as close to your work. Generally to find what you describe you should stay within the boundary of I-270. Let me know how it goes.
